Dear citizens,

Serbia has become a country of humiliated and privatized institutions, in the shadow of crime intertwined with structures of power and corruption that is becoming a way of life. We are living through years of demographic decline and unprecedented economic stratification. Once again, we are faced with the dead-end of isolation.

It is our unequivocal belief that the times we live in demand from all responsible and concerned citizens to confront the moment, make clear decisions, and be ready not only to witness the necessary changes but also to participate in them. Reality has forced us to ask ourselves: what kind of people are we if, by averting our gaze, we silently witness an explosion of crime, injustice, and violence?



The initiators of this address are people with names and surnames, with their own lives, families, and professions. None of us intends to fight for any positions or functions, nor to engage in games of power and authority - we feel called upon as much as every citizen should feel called upon today. Every person, rightfully concerned about their own fate, the fate of their country, their children, family, and friends, should find a place in the wide range of opposition to this downfall. From the former abstainer, and future voter, to the monitor of electoral and pre-electoral machinations, to the participant in protests, from those who convince and spread truth and encouragement to those who propose solutions and offer directions for Serbia to exit this deviation, there is a place for everyone and everyone has their role. Our intention is to stimulate a process in which we will all, to our full capacity, engage in the change that is necessary for this country. 

But our task is not only to change the intolerable social reality. It is up to us to build Serbia in which such a reality will be impossible to repeat. Therefore, it is necessary to renew the democratic order, legal and political institutions, the spirit of free and critical debate in which people will participate without fear of consequences. Serbia does not need a new class of privileged political oligarchs who will stand above the law, but equal opportunities for all and solidarity without which it is impossible to pass through times of crisis. Serbia does not need a cult of personality, but free citizens who govern their country's affairs themselves. Our common will to succeed in this endeavor must become a guarantee for every future, happier, and more normal Serbia. If we remain silent now and allow ourselves to be written out of the civilization circle to which we belong, we will be responsible for not doing enough to stop it.



Therefore, we call on all those who encounter various faces of the same injustice and arrogance in their lives to overcome their own fears and mistrust and unite in the fight for a different Serbia.

Serbia is our country, and therefore this is a collective struggle in which we need to prove what kind of people we are and how many of us there are. This struggle is based on lessons from the past, a clear understanding of the present, and, crucially, a dedication to the future of Serbia.